Photo of ashes scattering off Point Loma

View of scattering from shore or pier

Sometimes it is not possible to go out on the ocean to scatter the ashes but you still want to be a part of the ceremony.

We can arrange for the ashes to be transfered to our boat and we can scatter the ashes for you within viewing distance from shore or a pier.

We prearrainge the time and date for the ceremony.  We arrange a place to take possesion of the cremains, and the place where you will be able to view.

Some of the favorite places to view the scattering of ashes are:

Ocean Beach Pier                                                     It is close to where my boat is berthed.  Provides a close view of the ceremony. ($315)

Cabrillo Monument -Point Loma Lighthouse                                                              A very picturesque place at the end of Point Loma past Ft. Rosecrans cemetary. ($385)

La Jolla cove                                                            A beautiful area of San Diego offering whitewater views and a fairly close setting. ($385)